The Life of Oharu

The Life of Oharu , Saikaku Ichidai Onna, lit. Saikakus Amorous Woman is a 1952 historical fiction blackandwhite film directed by Kenji Mizoguchi starring Kinuyo Tanaka as Oharu, a onetime concubine of a daimyo and mother of a later daimyo who struggles to escape the stigma of having been forced into prostitution by her father. It is based on a novel by Ihara Saikaku.

It has been claimed that this movie was one of Kenji Mizoguchis favorite projects, even though it was underfinanced. Other crew members included production designer Hiroshi Mizutani and historical consultant Isamu Yoshi.The Life of Oharu won the International Prize at the 1952 Venice International Film Festival and was nominated to Golden Lion. The film include 1952 films Himitsu, Inazuma and Okaasan won 1953 Mainichi Film Concours for best film score Ichir Sait. ........

Source: Wikipedia